Export selected

A single SOSI file may contain several types of objects and geometry types. By default, Sosicon converts everything contained in the source file. It either writes the result to a large number of destination files in case of Shapefile export, or creates one very large SQL file in case of PostgreSQL/PostGIS export.

If you only want a pre-defined subset of features exported from the SOSI source, you can use the -t and -g options to restrict the conversion. On large SOSI files, this will save both time and storage space.

Inspect file content

If the content of the SOSI file is unknown, use the -stat operation to aggregate a list of elements in the SOSI file:

sosicon -stat Arealdekke.sos

One of the emitted lists gives an overview of OBJTYPEs embedded in the file, and may look something like this:

 OBJTYPE                       : COUNT
 Arealbrukgrense...............:     4671
 DyrketMark....................:      170
 ElvBekk.......................:     1290
 ElvBekkKant...................:      199
 FiktivDelelinje...............:      503
 Innsjø........................:      369
 Innsjøkant....................:      906
 InnsjøkantRegulert............:      111
 KantUtsnitt...................:      317
 Kystkontur....................:      353
 Myr...........................:     1155
 Skog..........................:      608
 SportIdrettPlass..............:      147
 TettBebyggelse................:      144
 Tregruppe.....................:      170
 ÅpentOmråde...................:      770

Filter by OBJTYPE

The -t option filters by SOSI OBJTYPE. You may provide one or more (comma separated) OBJTYPEs that you want to convert.

If you’re only after green areas like forests and parks (Skog, Park), run the following command:

sosicon -2shp -t "Skog, Park" Arealdekke.sos

Filter by geometry

You may also filter by geometry type. Use the SOSI geometry names to specify which feature types to export:

  • KURVE (curve/polyline)
  • FLATE (surface/polygon)
  • PUNKT (point)

Use the -g option:

sosicon -2shp -g FLATE Arealdekke.sos

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